Gallery of Saints Set 2 Classroom Cards
Product LLCC018 - $20.00
Sixteen 8 1/2 X 11 sheets printed on 100lb heavy glossy cardstock - We started creating these portraits as new “icons” for our website but then we just couldn't stop. So we are offering our extensive Gallery of Saints as nice Classroom Cards. Saints in this set include: The Good Shepherd, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Saints Margaret of Scotland, Elizabeth Ann Seton, John Neumann, Pio of Pietrelcina, Archangel Michale, Dominic, John Boscoe, Maria Goretti, Patrick, Anthony, Rose of Lima, Therese of Lisieux and Walburga.
You can also find these Saints in our Gallery of Saints Coloring Portfolio Set 2 Click here.