Saint of the Month
Product LLCO033 - $75.00
26 11X17 sheets. This kit, containing over 100 cutouts, provides a unique way to share the story of 12 Saints, one for each month, with your students. So much more than decoration, each Saint has a brief biography, blocks explaining their Feast Day and Patronages, plus symbols with more tidbits of information, which add to the story. The kit comes complete with a Saint of the Month header and corners. Yours students will love the colorful illustrations and you'll find them looking forward to the next Saint when the month changes. Saints include: John Bosco, Josephine Bakhita, Katharine Drexel, Catherine of Siena, Rita of Cascia, Anthony of Padua, Maria Goretti, Dominic, Vincent de Paul, Francis of Assisi, Elizabeth of Hungary and Francis Xavier.
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